Friday, January 31, 2014

Free-Thought Spotlight on Shannon

Tell us about yourself?

I am 33 years old and have been married to a fellow atheist for over 3 years now. I work as a graphic designer and am also a figure skating/hockey coach on the side.

Did you always know you were an atheist? What was that process like?

No I didn't always know. It was a gradual process. I think just going through school, college helped me think for myself. I also think going to an art's school influenced my way of thinking. I didn't go to church as a young child so I think that I was not indoctrinated early on. I think I "believed in god" when I went to church during jr high because that was what was expected in our society.

Did you grow up in a religious family? How did they take the news that you think differently?

My family was not very religious but they perceive themselves as Lutheran. I did not go to church as a kid until I about 12 years old (however I was baptized) My mom thought it was a good idea that we go to church so I could get confirmed and get a first communion. I went through the process even though I had no idea what was going on. I know when they asked questions during the confirmation I memorized the answers because I really didn't care. After I was confirmed in eighth grade we stopped going to church for good. I dont really remember why. My mom wasn't pushy about it. I never really came out as an Atheist to my mom but she knows (Facebook posts, secular wedding, etc etc). She never likes to talk about my atheism. I think she thinks i will get over it someday.

How do you describe what you think about the meaning in world to others? What are your personal and social values? How have they developed?

I think the meaning of the world is exactly what you make it to be. I personally think its all random coincidences. I believe in other life on other planets as well.

My values are to be good to people, animals, things and myself. Treat others like you would want them treat you mentality. These values came from my family, not church.

What do you think about religion?

I think religion is something the ancient humans had to explain the world around them because they did not know any better. Once science explains things more and more, I believe there will be more and more atheists in the world. I believe there is an answer for everything, even if its hard to find.

Has anyone tried to convert you? How did you feel about that? How did you respond?

Nope, surprisingly not. I have a few really religious friends who know I am an atheist and they respect that and I respect them and their views even if I don't agree with it.

What do you think people should know about atheists?

That we are not bad people who are out to get them and rage war on Christmas.... We work, party and live the same as everyone else. :)

How do people respond when you tell them what you believe or don't believe in?

I don't tend to talk about it all that much but if I do, most people act surprised. Probably because of my demeanor. I've never had anyone lash out at me.

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