Friday, January 31, 2014

Free-Thought Spotlight on Shannon

Tell us about yourself?

I am 33 years old and have been married to a fellow atheist for over 3 years now. I work as a graphic designer and am also a figure skating/hockey coach on the side.

Did you always know you were an atheist? What was that process like?

No I didn't always know. It was a gradual process. I think just going through school, college helped me think for myself. I also think going to an art's school influenced my way of thinking. I didn't go to church as a young child so I think that I was not indoctrinated early on. I think I "believed in god" when I went to church during jr high because that was what was expected in our society.

Did you grow up in a religious family? How did they take the news that you think differently?

My family was not very religious but they perceive themselves as Lutheran. I did not go to church as a kid until I about 12 years old (however I was baptized) My mom thought it was a good idea that we go to church so I could get confirmed and get a first communion. I went through the process even though I had no idea what was going on. I know when they asked questions during the confirmation I memorized the answers because I really didn't care. After I was confirmed in eighth grade we stopped going to church for good. I dont really remember why. My mom wasn't pushy about it. I never really came out as an Atheist to my mom but she knows (Facebook posts, secular wedding, etc etc). She never likes to talk about my atheism. I think she thinks i will get over it someday.

How do you describe what you think about the meaning in world to others? What are your personal and social values? How have they developed?

I think the meaning of the world is exactly what you make it to be. I personally think its all random coincidences. I believe in other life on other planets as well.

My values are to be good to people, animals, things and myself. Treat others like you would want them treat you mentality. These values came from my family, not church.

What do you think about religion?

I think religion is something the ancient humans had to explain the world around them because they did not know any better. Once science explains things more and more, I believe there will be more and more atheists in the world. I believe there is an answer for everything, even if its hard to find.

Has anyone tried to convert you? How did you feel about that? How did you respond?

Nope, surprisingly not. I have a few really religious friends who know I am an atheist and they respect that and I respect them and their views even if I don't agree with it.

What do you think people should know about atheists?

That we are not bad people who are out to get them and rage war on Christmas.... We work, party and live the same as everyone else. :)

How do people respond when you tell them what you believe or don't believe in?

I don't tend to talk about it all that much but if I do, most people act surprised. Probably because of my demeanor. I've never had anyone lash out at me.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Free-Thought Spotlight On James

Tell me about yourself?

I'm 57 yo African American from New York City. I was raised Catholic from day one. During those days it was the best choice for education in the inner cities. 

Did you always know you were an atheist?  What was that process like?

My family became Catholic from Baptist so that I could attend school. Pops was a Baptist. I was very fortunate, my parents supported my interest in science and ancient history. Also, my elementary and HS taught the dogma of other religions without being critical. 

What do you think about religion?

That's a bit difficult. I'm what you might call a militant atheist. For the past 30 plus years I was an electronic tech, and I had strong interests in everything dealing with technology. I try to comprehend the draw in this modern age to fairy tales. My best guess is cognitive dissonance on a grand scale, which I find very dangerous. 

Has anyone tried to convert you? How did that make you feel? How did you respond?

I get a kick out of Jehovah Witness's trying to convert me. But the ask the same tired questions: how did we get here, do I think we came from nothing or apes...etc. I remind them of the children that died because of their beliefs. Also I bring up the sexual abuses that the Watchtower conceals, and ask how they can in good conscious promote that garbage. 

How do people react to you when you tell them you are an atheist or skeptical about God?

When people find out I'm atheist they without fail ask how can I know right from wrong and how can I not believe in god. I point out all the gods they don't believe in. When it comes to the bible the average atheist can run rings around so called Xtians. I find most don't even know the usual fairy tales or never gave thought about them. All that matters is the Sun morning work out. 

What do you think people should know about atheists?

People should know that the definition of atheist means, and stop asking us to explain all the elements in the universe. If they really wanted to know they could research like we do. But they ask not because they want answers. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Free-Thought Spotlight on EJ

Tell me about yourself?

I'm a smart, white dude in my early 30s.  I'm a computer programmer.
My interests include open source software (particularly Linux), video
games, hiking, and camping.  I tend to push the bounds of acceptable
normal behavior, constantly questioning authority and what is
generally considered right and wrong.  I'm also a privacy and civil
rights advocate.

Did you always know you were an atheist?  What was that process like?

I grew up in a house with young parents who were still trying to
figure out if there is a god.  My mom used to read me religious
children's stories which I accepted as historical fact.  As my parents
belief in god dwindled, so did mine.  As I evaluated the world around
me, I determined that many of the events in those children stories
were probably untrue.  When I was younger, my parents never told me
that there was not a god.  They let me come to that conclusion on my

A big turning point was when I was told there was no Santa Clause.
Santa didn't make sense.  He was an exception to the laws of physics,
etc.  Finding out he was fake reaffirmed that there was nothing holy
outside of our visible world.

Did you grow up in a religious family? How did they take the news that
you think differently?

My immediate family is not very religious.  I didn't really think
differently than they did.

I should state that I am more open about being an atheist than my
parents.  My parents feel it is necessary to hide it.  I'm pretty much
completely open about it.

How do you think about the 'meaning of life? What are your personal and social values? 
How have they developed?

I don't think there is any meaning in the world.  Life is an anomaly
in the coldness of space.  It will eventually die off as if it never
happened.   While I do not like this belief, but is the reality that
is most evident to me.

I have strong moral values that probably formed because I had a
somewhat abusive father.  (This does not mean I at all condone abuse.)
 I rarely lie (even if it hurts me).  I'm a vegetarian because I think
it is wrong to kill life forms that desire to live.  I believe a good
citizen is an active citizen so I participate in congressional
petitions and sometimes even write or call them.

I can't really speak about the development of these values.  I have
always sort of been this way.  I guess I am better at being aware
about how my actions affect others.  This helps me to not
inadvertently infringe on my own moral values.

What do you think about religion?

I've attended enough church to appreciate the sense of community it
provides.  It can help people out through tough times, both
emotionally and financially.  It is a great community social

The problem with religion is its inflexibility.  It has to stay
consistent with outdated values because to not do so would suggest
that God is imperfect and fallible.  In many cases it can be used to
justify extreme behavior such as killing other people or even war.

Has anyone tried to convert you? How did that make you feel? How did
you respond?

Sometimes I get bible thumpers at the door.  I'm usually polite and
chat with them for a minute but religion is not something that
interests me so I have to cut the conversation short.  I feel like
they are wasting my time.

How do people react to you when you tell them you are an atheist or
skeptical about God?

Most of the people I communicate with also do not believe in God or
are not very vocal about their belief in god.  In my social circle, it
is more rare to have a strong belief in religion.

I'm a Boy Scout leader and have hinted at my beliefs at scouting
events.  I've been told I'll be debating my core beliefs though my
whole life and that it is natural for people to believe that there is
greater meaning in the world.  I personally disagree with these
statements and have been pretty firm in my beliefs since I was about

What do you think people should know about atheists?

We tend to be very smart and nice people.  For some reason (which
baffles even me), we tend to have a strong sense of morality.  The
basis for these morals is not clear.  Maybe morality is something that
is built into all of us?

Many of us are vegetarians or vegans.   We all have a personal list of
things we won't do because we feel this or that is wrong.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Free-thought Spotlight on izombiheartzoey

Tell me about yourself?
My name is izombiheartzoey. I am an atheist but more importantly I am a philosopher. I don’t think the word describes anything other my position that the claim that God’s existence. I grew up in the south suburbs of Chicago and entered the Navy in high school. I was always a wise-ass and a critical thinker. After was honorably discharged from the military I began working through community college. During my freshman, missing the community I had in the Navy, began seeking out secular groups in the surrounding suburbs. I traveled out to 4 groups in a 45 minute radius of where I live and found the driving to be taxing. As I began my Bachelors in Social Work I decided to start on working on organizing a group in the south suburbs. I am currently in a social work master’s program and I have been interning as a Faith Based Community Organizer for the last year and a half.

Did you always know you were an atheist?  What was that process like?

More or less. I remember growing up and attending several churches when I was growing up. I don’t have the best memory of what was happening. Suddenly Sunday mornings someone was waking me up to go to some building where people sung songs that gave me headaches, and the symbolism was scary.  Due to my trouble making nature I spent most of my time during Sunday school in time out in a corner thinking about hell. Although God was never a real concept for me, when I was a child hell was a very real and scary concept.

Did you grow up in a religious family? How did they take the news that you think differently? 

It wasn't that big of a deal. I didn't get kicked out of the home or disowned like some of the horror stories I have heard about. I was pretty clear about where I stand. I just kind told people and they expressed their dissatisfaction and things moved on. 

How do you describe what you think about the meaning in world to others? What are your personal and social values? How have they developed?

That’s a pretty big question. I usually talk about the world through philosophy. I have studied Nietzsche and several other materialist/skeptical/ and secular perspectives. I’ve also began working on a blog to flesh out some of my philosophical thoughts (and talk about horrormovies).  I do find it challenging to talk about personal values, but I think at a certain level most people’s initial stated values are superficial. Even religious folk have to do some introspective digging to find clarity about their values. I think where I differ from most atheist that I have met is that I am an anarcho-syndicalist. What the hell is that (you are probably asking)? Essentially what it means is that I think that the problems of our current political and economic system (AKA capitalism and democracy) are fundamentally flawed and produce oppression. I think that on a large scale we need an intentional refocus on the people that live in this world and not the crap they buy. I don’t think this can be accomplished with the world as it. Something has to change. In other word, anarcho-syndicalism is essentially communism without the dogmatic on political parties. 

What do you think about religion?

I think religion is a useful tool to move people into the political arena to make social change.  There are a lot of religious folks in the world, and most have professed values to work towards the alleviation of human suffering and oppression. I feel this is the common ground where I can work with religious folk to create a better world.  

Has anyone tried to convert you? How did that make you feel? How did you respond?

I have a couple friends who periodically attempt to pressure me to go to church with them.  But they have learned to stop. When I am approached by someone who asks me to attend church with them, and keeps pressuring me, put return the pressure and ask them why they feel it’s OK to disrespect my perspective. I've found that change the subject from evangelicalism to respect has been useful to save my time and theirs. If the pressure keeps coming after that, I ask them if they believe in a God who forgives radical evil? If they say yes, I tell them that if God exist and accepts evil then justice is more important than God.  That last line usually ends the “church conversation” so we can talk about something important.

How do people react to you when you tell them you are an atheist or skeptical about God?
In general most people I have spoken to about where I stand in college didn't have any clue what I am talking about. It was as if it simply did not compute that atheism was an option. During my internship working as a community organizer in church’s most people don’t ask me where I stand.  At first I thought this was strange. I spoke to almost 200 church goers between several congregations. Most of my questions and challenges had a direct relationship with their relationship with their faith. A very small minority asked me where I went to church. I told them I infrequently attended a local Unitarian Universalist church. In general if I wanted to build power telling someone I am an atheist as an introduction is not a good way about building relationships. HAHA. I had a friend who used to introduce me to his friends and new women at bars as “Hey this is my friend, and he is an atheist.” As you may guess I didn't make too many friends with this wing-man.

What do you think people should know about atheists?

Two things. First, atheists are not scary. Secondly, atheists are not a cohesive group with a shared set of thoughts or values.