Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Free-Thought Spotlight with GirlIntrovert

Tell us about yourself?

I'm from a small town in Pennsylvania. I have a Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice and currently work in the IT Security field. I'm vegan, and in my spare time volunteer with cats.
Did you always know you were an atheist? What was that process like? *

I always thought that believing in a god sounded bizarre. I used to ask my parent's questions trying to understand how/why people believe in God, but my parent's were just as confused as I was.

Did you grow up in a religious family? How did they take the news that you think differently?

My family is not religious. We went to church one time because my sister was curious, and we ended up leaving early.

How do you describe what you think about the meaning in world to others? What are your personal and social values? How have they developed?

I believe in evolution- that things come and go. I don't see that there is any meaning. You exist, then you don't. That's life.

My values are basically what you are taught in kindergarten – be nice to others. I'm vegan because don't believe one being is any better than the other.

What do you think about religion?

I think it's a socially acceptable cult. I think it's for people who can't deal with “real life” and need something/someone to blame everything on. It's a poor coping mechanism, but I guess it works for some people.

Has anyone tried to convert you? How did you feel about that? How did you respond?

Surprisingly not. I try not to associate with people who are religious. Sometimes they come up to me with literature but I just say “not interested” firmly and they walk away.

How do people respond when you tell them what you believe or don't believe in?

Usually, I just get a surprised look. I think I throw some people off when I say I'm atheist, but most people don't say anything.

What do you think people should know about atheists?

That they don't need to believe in a fictitious character to have morals. That they lead a happy life without trying to find a hidden meaning behind every event.

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